
Gina Joy Carano has been an MMA fighter for over a decade. She's an actress as well as a fitness model, and a former mixed martial artist. Her first professional venture was as an Muay Thai fighter and was crowned as The Face of women's MMA. She holds an impressive Muay Thai competition record of 12 wins, 1 draw, and a loss. This is the only American winning title at Muay Thai at Thailand. As a child she took classes in jazz dance, ballet and horse-riding. At her school, she did well with basketball and softball. Jiujitsu and wrestling are two of the other sports she studied. In her MMA, she has been able to win seven times and lose one. An incredibly popular MMA celebrity, she became popular due to her powerful to perform in the ring as well as her beauty. In her role as an actress, she performed in blockbuster film in Hollywood such as Haywire as well as Fast & Furious 6'. Her reputation was often criticized for the way made use of her sex appeal to gain a foothold in her career. Such harsh words never affected her winning spirit and people continued to shower their love on her. People are enthralled by her character, talent and perseverance.

Gina Gina Gina Gina Gina


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